PhD in Natural Science with specialization in Chemistry


Ulf Molau – NABiS

This selective Master's degree programme is designed for students primarily aiming for a career in research, and who are able to keep up with the study pace of the cohort that starts in September. Students who would like start during the academic year and/or aim for a career that focuses on the business and policy side of science are referred to our Master’s programme Biology. Information for students in Molecular Biology at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biologi, University of Gothenburg. Master of Science in Innovation and Industrial Management University of Gothenburg - School of Business, Economics and Law Industrial and Operations Management (TOP 200) View all Master Programs in Biology in Europe 2021. Students participate in intensive advanced and high-level courses in the different fields of biology, which are the most relevant for their specialization, to make them informed about the recent developments and frontline problems. University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg.

Gothenburg biology masters

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University of Gothenburg invites online applications for filling up the PhD position in genetics under Prof. Marc Pilon’s research group at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Gothenburg. The group is located on the medical campus, near the Sahlgrenska Hospital in Gothenburg and collaborates with several local groups. Review Masters In Molecular Biology program information at University Of Gothenburg, learn more about Masters In Molecular Biology undergraduate, graduate, master & diploma programs at University Of Gothenburg with subject ranking, appication requirements, tuition fee We have 13 Masters Degrees in Gothenburg, Sweden. Filter Results . Animal Cell Biology Developmental & Reproductive Zoology Top tips and course advice on studying a course in Biology at Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg. The University of Gothenburg meets societal challenges with diverse knowledge.

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Did you know that  PhD degree in molecular biology or biotechnology or equivalent. at the University of Gothenburg, (dept. of Chemistry and Molecular Biology), we form genetics and forest biotechnology within the Forestry program and at the master Masters Programme in Industrial Economics and Management ↗️ between chemical engineering, food technology, molecular biology and medicine.

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Gothenburg biology masters

Postgraduate - Classroom-based · Key Account Manager Course. Biological Sciences (Medical Biology) BSc(Hons) single or joint honours. Available at (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) on the candidate's previous experience and interests (e.g. during the Masters project).

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The Master in Gothenburg programs are excellent in quality, preparing students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become professionals in their field. Study Master in Genomics and Systems Biology in University of Gothenburg,Sweden. Check course duration, tuition fees per year, and admission requirements & Procedure.

Do you want to explore and develop the science of oligonucleoti We seek a highly motivated Research Scientist to join the NGS & Transcriptomics team within the Translational Genomics Department in our Discovery Sciences R&D organization in Gothenburg, Sweden. You will apply proven molecular biology expertise to the characterization and profiling of the effects of oligonucleotide treatment with in vitro biochemical and cellular assays.
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Current students - Complex Adaptive Systems masters

Here in Gothenburg there are several centers dedicat. Systems Biology and the Systems Biology Masters Programme at Göteborg University. Director for Discovery Biology department in Gothenburg.

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There are 14 home programs of study within the doctorate that allow students to specialize with faculty. The PhD program aims to prepare students for teaching and research at the highest level.

Verifierade arbetsgivare. Ett gratis, snabbt och enkelt sätt att hitta ett jobb med 50.000+ annonser i Göteborg och andra stora städer i Sverige. This selective Master's degree programme is designed for students primarily aiming for a career in research, and who are able to keep up with the study pace of the cohort that starts in September. Students who would like start during the academic year and/or aim for a career that focuses on the business and policy side of science are referred to our Master’s programme Biology. Information for students in Molecular Biology at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biologi, University of Gothenburg. Master of Science in Innovation and Industrial Management University of Gothenburg - School of Business, Economics and Law Industrial and Operations Management (TOP 200) View all Master Programs in Biology in Europe 2021.