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Uttal av Nynorsk: Hur man uttalar Nynorsk på bokmål - Forvo
First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Bokmål: . Alle mennesker er født frie og med samme menneskeverd og menneskerettigheter. Pronunciation. IPA: /jʊɖː/ (standard Swedish) IPA: /juːrd/ (some dialects) Pronunciation example: audio; Homophone: jord (both if you pronounce it non-standard Swedish-wise with a long o-sound) Origin & history I Past participle of göra Adjective gjord. made, done som gjorda för varann as if made for each other; Origin & history II In the Panjabi - Norwegian Nynorsk dictionary you will find phrases with translations, examples, pronunciation and pictures. Translation is fast and saves you time.
Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Browse the use examples 'nynorsk' in the great Swedish corpus. Learn the definition of 'tolkar'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar.
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Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce namnet in Swedish, Norwegian Nynorsk with native pronunciation. namnet translation and audio pronunciation. ditt (Norwegian Nynorsk).
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Nynorsk is pending pronunciation in: Record pronunciation for Nynorsk Nynorsk [br] Do you know how to pronounce Nynorsk? Record pronunciation for Nynorsk Nynorsk [nn] Do you know how to pronounce Nynorsk? Random words: tåke, knekker, biler, haug, strømpe Norwegian Nynorsk pronunciation dictionary Search and learn to pronounce words and phrases in this language ( Norwegian Nynorsk ). Learn to pronounce with our guides.
Random words: tåke, knekker, biler, haug, strømpe
Learn how to say Nynorsk with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found here:https://www.google.com/search?q=define+Nynorsk
How do you say Nynorsk? Listen to the audio pronunciation of Nynorsk on pronouncekiwi
nynorsk pronunciation - How to properly say nynorsk.
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IPA: /ˈtrene/ Gismu. train; x 1 is a train [vehicle] of cars/units x 2 (mass) for rails/system/railroad x 3, propelled by x 4.
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Nynorsk definition: one of the two mutually intelligible official forms of written Norwegian : it also exists | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Feb 25, 2015 Pronunciation Guide. Pronunciation Guide.
Bokskap - prslab.site
The Norwegian language has two written variations which are called bokmål and nynorsk. They are very similar to each other, but still have distinct differences. Example: English: I have been to Norway twice. Bokmål: Jeg har vært to ganger i Norge. Nynorsk: Eg har vore to gonger i Noreg.
IPA: /deː/ (example of pronunciation) IPA: /ˈkɒntɔː/ [Received Pronunciation], /ˈkɑntɔɹ/ [General American] kontoret (Noun) [Norwegian Nynorsk] definite singular of kontor Norwegian-English Dictionary · A Pronouncing and Translating Dictionary of Modern Norwegian (Bokmal and Nynorsk) with a Historical and Grammatical In. 2014-sep-23 - Bildetema Danska-finska-bokmål-nynorsk-svenska. Swedish language, alphabet and pronunciation.