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Feb 2000 – Present 20 years 9 months. Education. Azusa Pacific University. Azusa Pacific University Doctor of Physical Therapy Physical Therapy/Therapist.

Glinn and giordano

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GLINN AND GIORDANO PHYSICAL THERAPY INC. is a pain medicine pain medicine in Bakersfield, CA. The provider is pain Medicine is a primary medical specialty based on a distinct body of knowledge and a well-defined scope of clinical practice that is founded on science, research and education. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy at 3700 Gosford Rd # 2b, Bakersfield, CA 93309. Search for other Physical Therapists in Bakersfield on The Real Yellow Pages®. Physical Therapy Aide Feb 2015 - Present Glinn and Giordano Bakersfield, Ca. Clean and organize work area and disinfect equipment after treatment. Administer active or passive manual therapeutic exercises, therapeutic massage, or heat, light, sound, water, or electrical modality treatments, such as ultrasound. Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy.

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Physical Therapist in Bakersfield, CA. See BBB rating, reviews, complaints, & more. View Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy (www.ggphysicaltherapy.com) location in California, United States , revenue, industry and description. Find related and  Reviews from Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy employees about Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance,  Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy. Facebook (17).

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Glinn and giordano

Detailed information about Glinn And Giordano Physical Therapy Inc, a Medical Group - Health Care Provider in Bakersfield California, including its practice  Giordano attended Garces Memorial High School and graduated from the University of Southern California.

Insurance & Benefits Planning. Delano CA 93215. • Laboratory. 6425 Lynch Canyon Dr. (760) 379-4496.
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Make Reservations. Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy 1201 23rd St Bakersfield, CA Physical Therapists - MapQuest. Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy.

196 likes · 4 talking about this · 214 were here. Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy has been a staple of health and wellness in Bakersfield, California for over 35 Company History. The story of Glinn & Giordano begins in 1980 when company namesakes Daniel R. Giordano, PT and James E. Glinn, PT decided to open a private practice physical therapy clinic dedicated to the Kern County community. GLINN AND GIORDANO PHYSICAL THERAPY INC. is a physical therapist in Shafter, CA. The provider is physical therapists (PTs) are licensed health care professionals who diagnose and treat individuals of all ages, from newborns to the very oldest, who have medical problems or other health-related conditions that limit their abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives.
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38 gillar · 444 har varit här. 40 years of providing musculoskeletal expertise and returning patients to Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy, Bakersfield. 38 gillar · 444 har varit här. 40 years of providing musculoskeletal expertise and returning patients to Kliniska prövningar för Glinn and Giordano Physical Therapy. Registret för kliniska prövningar. ICH GCP. QDRO.com Premium QDRO Drafting Service for GLINN & GIORDANO PHYSICAL THERAPY, INC. PROFIT SHARING 401(K) PLAN only costs $299 and  GLINN & GIORDANO PHYSICAL THERAPY, INC. Hälsa, friskvård och fitness. BAKERSFIELD, California.

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amerik. författarinna. 410 Burt Glinn/Magnum/IBL 413 Bettmann/Corbis 414 Keystone/IBL 415 En munk som hette Giordano Bruno byggde vidare på Kopernikus  Johnny Gimble (1926–2015), landsspelare; John Giordano (född 1937), Glinn (1902–1978), blues sångare och låtskrivare; David Gockley (född 1943),  Rio Bravo Rumble - Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy. Rumble Network Discovery. Rumble Network Discovery.