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Use DS8000® data encryption facilities to provide data security for data at rest. Make sure that any network connections to the DS8880 that use Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) meet the currently recommended security strength (112 bit) by specifying the use of an appropriate cipher suite. IBM DS8000 Series V ersion 7 Release 5 Command-Line Interface User's Guide GC27-4212-08 IBM. Note Befor e using this information and the pr oduct it supports, r ead The DS8000 is the industry’s first PoE sound masking system designed to use non-proprietary, industry standard network hardware. Dynasound’s network sound masking system sets the industry standard for individual speaker control, and the DS8000 makes it all possible. RESTful API Guide This publication pr ovides an overview of the Repr esentational State T ransfer (RESTful) API, which pr ovides a platform independent means by which to initiate cr eate, r ead, update, and delete operations in the DS8000 and supporting storage devices.

Ds8000 rest api

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Saved … Perform basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on folders and files with the SharePoint REST interface. The RESTful API is an application on the DS8000® HMC for initiating simple storage operations through the Web. IBM DS8880/DS8870 Restful API Guide United States RESTful API Guide This publication provides an overview of the Representational State Transfer (RESTful) API, which provides a platform independent means by which to initiate create, read, update, and delete operations in the DS8000 and supporting storage devices. V1.3 V1.2 V1.1 V1.0 Table 3. warranty, notices, and licensing publications Title Location The DS Open Application Programming Interface (API) is a nonproprietary storage management client application that supports routine LUN management activities, such as LUN creation, mapping and masking, and the creation or deletion of RAID 5, RAID 6, and RAID 10 volume spaces. DS command-line interface The IBM DS8000® supports encryption-capable hard disk drives (HDDs) and flash drives.

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For instance, create a Fixed Block volume in the DS8870. HTTP GET is mapped to the query (read) operation. DS8000 or DS6000 model..

Medlemsbladet#207 - Data3 - Yumpu

Ds8000 rest api

REST API designers should create URIs that convey a REST API’s resource model to its potential client developers. When resources are named well, an API is intuitive and easy to use. If done poorly, that same API can feel difficult to use and understand. REST APIs are the most common APIs used across the web today because the REST pattern provides simple, uniform interfaces. These can be used to make data, content, algorithms, media, and other digital resources available through web URLs, so that they can be consumed within web, mobile, and device applications. IBM DS6000 and DS8000 storage systems are discovered via IBM System Storage DS6000 / DS8000 Hardware Management Console (HMC) . As part of routine discovery, when IBM System Storage DS6000 / DS8000 Storage Manager software is encountered, an IBM CIM Agent for the DS Open API instance is created to represent the software.

These Full Disk Encryption (FDE) drive sets are used with key management services to allow encryption for data at rest. Today's announcement provides DS CIM Agent V5.3.0 compliance with SNIA SMI-S 1.2 support. This can allow interoperability support capabilities for storage provisioning, performance management, and data protection within the DS8000.
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IBM System Storage DS8000 Copy Services for Open Systems Plan, install, and configure DS8000 Copy Services Learn about IBM FlashCopy and Copy Services Learn through examples and practical scenarios Get the flexibility and control you need to scale from simple eSignature integrations to complex enterprise applications with the DocuSign eSignature REST API International Technical Support Organization DS8800 Performance Monitoring and Tuning July 2012 SG24-8013-00 The Log Analytics REST API provides operations for managing the following resources. Operation Group Description; Workspaces: Manage Log Analytics workspaces.

HTTP GET is mapped to the query (read) operation. DS8000 or DS6000 model..
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RESTful API: A RESTful API is an application program interface ( API ) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. Rest API – många fördelar. REST API är enkel att använda eftersom den baseras på HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol, standardspråket på webben) för att processa förfrågningar. GET skickar ett anrop och hämtar data från en resurs. Du skulle till exempel använda GET för att hämta en post från en databas. Page 9 DS8000 Operator’s Manual xta Installing your DS8000: Installing your DS8000: Unpacking After unpacking the unit, please check it carefully for any damage.

Medlemsbladet#203 - data centers - doczz

HTTP GET is mapped to the query (read) operation. DS8000 or DS6000 model.. .

Configuring volume replication (DS8000 Family)¶ Volume replication is required for disaster recovery and high-availability applications running on top of OpenStack-based clouds. The IBM Storage Driver for OpenStack supports synchronous (Metro Mirror) volume replication for DS8000 storage systems. DD_SM_897/ENUS2834-_h01~~The IBM DS8880 family includes two high-performance models (DS8884 Model 980 with its associated DS8884 Expansion Unit Model 98B, and DS8886 Model 981 with its associated DS8886 Expansion Unit Model 98E) that can be ordered with one, two, three, or four years of support, which covers both With the IBM Spectrum Scale™ management API, you can develop scripts or applications to automate labor-intensive cluster management tasks. These APIs provide a useful way to integrate and use the IBM Spectrum Scale 4.2.3 system. The IBM Spectrum Scale management API is a REST-style interface for managing IBM Spectrum Scale cluster resources. IBM DS8000: each can have its own DScli version defined in storage properties Dell EMC² VMAX/PowerMAX: health status implemented for Unisphere v9+ Hitachi VSPG: implemented REST API access as replacement for Hitachi CCI and SNMP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication support, which allows single sign-on (SSO) functionality, can simplify user management by allowing the IBM DS8000 to rely on a centralized LDAP directory rather than a local user repository.