3D-mikroprinting förfalskat skydd för produkter, pass och pengar


Additive Manufacturing: Unlocking the Evolution of Energy

Dr. Martin. Wegener gegründet.#). Promotion und Firmengrün-. Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener is co-founder and shareholder of Nanoscribe.

Martin wegener nanoscribe

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Initially emerging from a scientific niche, the spin-off which separated from KIT in 2007 has now established itself as a world market and technology leader, employing more than 65 people today. In this informal session, Professor Martin Wegener will share aspects of the Nanoscribe GmbH commercialisation journey; from early stage, blue-sky research in 2000 through to legal founding of Nanoscribe in December 2007 and, in 2018, employing 70 people and reaching 11M Euro in sales. Nanoscribe has conquered that challenge over the last five years by expanding its numbers of employees by around 25 % CAGR. Co-founder Martin Wegener, professor at the Institute of Applied Physics and director of the Institute for Nanotechnology at KIT, says, “We took the unknown technology of two-photon-polymerization out of a research niche. ZEISS has long been collaborating with Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener from the KIT Institute for Applied Physics, whose lab spawned Nanoscribe over ten years ago.

Additive Manufacturing: Unlocking the Evolution of Energy

We’ve had great interest from industry, among others, in the areas of optics, photonics, and medical technology.” Nanoscribe | 3.480 Follower auf LinkedIn Redefining microfabrication. | Make small things matter. In 2007, a team of researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) set out to rethink microfabrication.

Nanoscribe - Professor Dr. Martin Wegener, Director of the

Martin wegener nanoscribe

Gemeinsam mit Professor Dr. Martin Wegener, Direktor des Instituts für Nanotechnologie @KIT, wird unser Experte Dr. Benjamin Richter die Möglichkeiten der 3D-Mikrofabrikationstechnologie vorstellen und beeindruckende Anwendungen präsentieren, die mit Nanoscribe-Systemen realisierbar sind.

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Martin Wegener. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. 3D Laser Nanoprinting. In this talk, the SPIE Prism Award 2014 for the start-up company Nanoscribe GmbH, This research has led to various awards and honors, among which are the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Research Award 1993, the BadenWürttemberg Teaching Award 1998, the DFG Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award 2000, the European Union René Descartes Prize 2005, the Baden-Württemberg Research Award 2005, the Carl Zeiss Research Award 2006, the Hector Research Award 2008, the SPIE Prism However, Hector Fellow Martin Wegener, professor at the Institute of Applied Physics and one of the directors of KIT's Institute of Nanotechnology, recognized that it is suitable for producing almost any complex three-dimensional micro- and nanostructures and perfected it with his research group.

The four founding members of Nanoscribe: Martin Hermatschweiler, Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener, Prof. Dr. Georg von Freymann, and Dr. Michael Thiel (from left to right, image: KD Busch) Martin Hermatschweiler is co-founder, shareholder and managing partner of Nanoscribe.
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3D-mikroprinting förfalskat skydd för produkter, pass och pengar

Initially emerging from a scientific niche, the spin-off which separated from KIT in 2007 has now established itself as a world market and technology leader, employing more than 65 people today.

Additive Manufacturing: Unlocking the Evolution of Energy

In this talk, I will review recent progress of my group concerning 3D laser nanoprinting. Concerning 3D printing speed, I will emphasize our progress on rapid multi-focus writing, leading to 3D printing speeds around 10^7 voxels/s at sub-micrometer voxel sizes (see V. … 2019-3-28 · 在本次小型分享会上,马丁·魏格纳(Martin Wegener)教授将分享Nanoscribe GmbH商业化之旅——从初创到2000年的Blue-sky研究,再到2007年12月的Nanoscribe的正式成立。2 2018年,Nanoscribe已拥有70名员工,销售额达到1100万欧元。 The Prism Award 2014 is awarded to Dr. Michael Thiel, Martin Hermatschweiler, Prof. Martin Wegener, and Dr. Wanyin Cui (from left to right, Nanoscribe) Abstract: Nanoscribe GmbH, a spinoff of the Karlsruhe Institute of Tech-nology (KIT), has won the renowned Prism Award 2014. It is granted annually by the International Society for Optics and The start-up company Nanoscribe GmbH has been founded in 2007 out of Martin Wegener’s group.

True 3D Laser Lithography. Visit us on www.nanoscribe.com! Nanoscribe, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany. 1,056 likes · 6 talking about this · 10 were here. True 3D Laser Lithography. Visit us on www.nanoscribe.com!