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puppet [noun] a doll that can be moved eg by wires, or by putting the hand inside the body. (Translation of burattino from the PASSWORD Italian–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) Den ryska karaktären har lånat sitt namn från Burattino (också stavat Burrattino och Burratino), en mindre viktig tjänarfigur i den italienska teatertraditionen commedia dell'arte, där burattino betyder "docka (av trä)" eller "sprattelgubbe". Buratino gav namn åt flera produkter i Sovjetunionen, bland annat en läskedryck med karamellsmak. The name Buratino is derived from the Italian burattino, which means wooden puppet or doll. The book was published in 1936, and Buratino quickly became hugely popular among children in the Soviet Union, and remains so to this day (In other words, Buratino is one of the most popular characters of Russian children's literature). Támogasd te is a Burattino Iskola és Gyermekotthon szociálisan hátrányos helyzetű gyermekeit!

Burattino meaning

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Hoppa till È un brano che fa parte dellalbum Burattino senza fili uscito nel 1977 per letichetta discografica Ricordi. Tafjorden · Traductor en español nice to meet you · Burattino meaning. Copyright © Canal Midi. This website contains many kinds of images but only a few are  Premise | Definition of Premise by Merriam-Webster.

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Burattino meaning

Burattin name meaning available! Burattin name numerology is 6 and here you can learn how to pronounce Burattin, Burattin origin and similar names to Burattin name. The movie starts off with Geppetto, an Italian woodcarver, turning a piece of wood into a marionette. He gives the puppet human-like features, but it remains a lifeless puppet.

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Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Burattino Brick Oven Pizza of Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. Get the latest  Apr 6, 2013 The nickname Buratino matches the name of the hero of a Russian name essentially meaning "heavy flame throwing merry wooden boy" is  The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Memoirs of Count Carlo Burattino Meaning. Burattino Meaning. Media | burattinopizza.

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High quality photos will ensure your website is always updated. This is a friendly open group for the residents of Buriton and for visitors who are interested in finding out about local events and attractions. The name Buratino is derived from the Italian burattino, which means wooden puppet or doll. The book was published in 1936, and Buratino quickly became hugely popular among children in the Soviet Union, and remains so to this day. The story has been made into several films, including in 1959 and in 1975.

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burattino (also: pupazzo, fantoccio, bambolotto, pedina) The Italian word for a glove puppet, which is animated by the insertion of the performer’s hand.The etymology of the term is uncertain: possibly “buratto” (cf. Latin burra, from French: bure), a coarse fabric with a loose weave used to sieve flour and which was used to make up the puppet’s costume, or perhaps from Burattino, a character from the improvised comedy. burattino. noun. puppet [noun] a doll that can be moved eg by wires, or by putting the hand inside the body. (Translation of burattino from the PASSWORD Italian–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries … The name Buratino is derived from the Italian burattino, which means wooden puppet or doll. The book was published in 1936, and Buratino quickly became hugely popular among children in the Soviet Union, and remains so to this day (In other words, Buratino is one of the most popular characters of Russian children's literature).

Deriva presumibilmente da Burattino, uno zanni della commedia all'improvviso, che a sua volta doveva il suo nome al mestiere dei buratini, cioè i setacciatori (abburattatori) di farina, che usavano lavorare con movimenti ritmici e ripetitivi. Traduzioni in contesto per "burattino" in italiano-inglese da Reverso Context: Come un burattino E ho delle rimostranze. Burattin name meaning available! Burattin name numerology is 6 and here you can learn how to pronounce Burattin, Burattin origin and similar names to Burattin name. The movie starts off with Geppetto, an Italian woodcarver, turning a piece of wood into a marionette.