Projektledare inom M & A till Anecta - Danderyd Lediga jobb
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The company’s success in this segment is based on a wide industrial network and the fact that many of the team members have backgrounds as executives in Swedish industrials. Under 2006 bistod Niklas Wilhelmsson (idag på Anecta Translink) Jadestone i samband med att den åländska speloperatören Paf investerade i bolaget för framtida expansion. Bolaget utvecklar onlinespel som backgammon, kortspel och casinospel. Translink has been successful in advising clients on hundreds of transactions since its founding in 1972 and Translink offices have acted as advisers in over 100 M&A projects during the last twelve months. About Translink in Sweden. Anecta Translink, our partner in Sweden, is a M&A-advisor working with national and cross-border transactions.
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The company’s success in this segment is based on a wide industrial network and the fact that many of the team members have backgrounds as executives in Swedish industrials. SwedenStockholm Translink-Anecta. Birger Jarlsgatan 41 B, Stockholm. Zip Code: 111 45 Vi på Anecta har lång erfarenhet som rådgivare vid både försäljningar och förvärv av stora onoterade bolag.
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The company’s success in this segment is based on a wide industrial network and the fact that many of the team members have backgrounds as executives in Swedish industrials. Once again have Anecta and the Translink network proved its value proposition to us and I highly recommend them for national and cross-border deal advisory.” Fredrik Ullberg, financial advisor at Anecta commented: “This is our eighth successful acquisition advisory project for Miss Group and by far the largest and most complex one.
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Translink International AG Baarerstr. 112 6300 Zug Switzerland Tel: +41 43 500 2250 Fax: +41 43 500 2251 Anecta Translink, our partner in Sweden, is a M&A-advisor working with national and cross-border transactions. The company’s success in this segment is based on a wide industrial network and the fact that many of the team members have backgrounds as executives in Swedish industrials. Anecta Translink, our partner in Sweden, is a M&A-advisor working with national and cross-border transactions. The company’s success in this segment is based on a wide industrial network and the fact that many of the team members have backgrounds as executives in Swedish industrials.
Mainly working with Swedish companies in the range of 5-100 m€. Our success in this segment is built on our operational background. Most of our
Anecta Translink’s comments. IP-Agency has shown impressive growth over the past three years through its strong customer offerings. It has been very rewarding to be entrusted with helping brothers Jouki and Pyry Puurtinen in this process, which generated strong interest from many investors. Anecta kommenterar We are pleased to once again get the responsibility to lead and support Miss Group’s successful buy-and-build journey by managing the acquisition of MMD Networks. Miss Group has a strong market position in Northern Europe and continues to gain market share in other international markets.
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Translink has been successful in advising clients on hundreds of transactions since its founding in 1972 and Translink offices have acted as advisers in over 100 M&A projects during the last twelve months.
2010 — till 1 miljard. Vi kan företagsöverlåtelser. I Sverige och internationellt.
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Oppigårds develops, brews and markets beer with a … Anecta Translink är rådgivare inom företagstransaktioner, Mergers & Acquisitions. Vi jobbar huvudsakligen med försäljning och förvärv av nordiska bolag med omsättning 20 till 500 MSEK. Vår framgång inom segmentet bygger på att vi har en bakgrund inom industrin.
Anecta Translink – Vård och omsorg - IdRelay
Bolaget utvecklar onlinespel som backgammon, kortspel och casinospel. Translink has been successful in advising clients on hundreds of transactions since its founding in 1972 and Translink offices have acted as advisers in over 100 M&A projects during the last twelve months. About Translink in Sweden. Anecta Translink, our partner in Sweden, is a M&A-advisor working with national and cross-border transactions.
Anecta är en av marknadens mest erfarna rådgivare vid företagsöverlåtelser.