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(GAMLS) For Sale: 4 bed, 2.5 bath, 1974 sq. ft. house located at 811 Corundum Ct, Stone Mountain, GA 30083-4904 on sale now for $119,700. MLS# 8139704. Incredibly spacious 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home! $15,500,000 3595 Tanners Mill Cir Gainesville, GA 30507 LN: 8604899 View Details; $784,900 5344 Lake View Club Dunwoody, GA 30338 LN: 8949066 View Details * Current .homes registry contains 13,097 domains as of 01.11.20. Examples above are some of the l eading companies utilizing the premium .homes TLD. Supra.

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View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. The median home value in Covington, GA is $ 225,000.

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Search the FMLS and GAMLS with no registration required. Find foreclosed homes, pre-foreclosures, bank owned, government owned, short sales, HUD homes, REO property, auctions and more. While short sales are on the way to foreclosure, they are not technically foreclosures yet. Find homes for sale, find an agent, view virtual tours, receive homes by e-mail, learn about buying and selling a home and more! Homepage | Nikolay Travkin | GAMLS Facebook Houses for sale in Gambia. The search results are just a snapshot of property for sale in the Gambia.

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475 likes · 10 talking about this. At Gam Homes we specialise in real estate in The Gambia Rentals or if you looking to buy a house. Home; Gamls.

Incredibly spacious 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home! $15,500,000 3595 Tanners Mill Cir Gainesville, GA 30507 LN: 8604899 View Details; $784,900 5344 Lake View Club Dunwoody, GA 30338 LN: 8949066 View Details * Current .homes registry contains 13,097 domains as of 01.11.20. Examples above are some of the l eading companies utilizing the premium .homes TLD. Supra. Georgia MLS uses Supra Key and Lockboxes. Showing alerts, mobile productivity tools and more create sales opportunities for real estate agents.