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En 中文 This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse our site, you accept the use of cookies. Turn cookies on. Temasek Holdings Ho Ching joined Temasek in 2002 as Executive Director, and was appointed CEO in 2004.
Turn cookies on. Temasek Holdings Ho Ching joined Temasek in 2002 as Executive Director, and was appointed CEO in 2004. She started her career as an engineer and was the President and CEO of Singapore Technologies Group prior to joining Temasek. Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited (Temasek) is a Sovereign Wealth Fund located in Singapore Singapore, Asia, and was founded in 1974. Current Assets for Temasek is $417,351,000,000 and SWFI has 96 periods of historical assets, 121 subsidiaries, 1,309 transactions, 16 Opportunities/RFPs, 168 personal contacts available for CSV Export.
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Founded in 1974 as a holding company for THE BUSINESS TIMES temasek holdings - Find temasek holdings News & Headlines, insight and analysis in Singapore, Asia-Pacific & global markets news at Temasek Holdings Private Limited (abbreviated as Temasek) is a state-owned holding company that can be characterized as a national wealth fund owned by Temasek is a global investment firm concentrated principally in Singapore, Asia, and the OECD economies. Temasek's investment strategies center on four Oct 4, 2011 Hsieh Fu Hua, president of Temasek Holdings, has resigned from his executive position at the Singapore state investment firm for personal Mar 12, 2019 Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S and Temasek have signed an agreement for Temasek to purchase 30 percent of the shares in Haldor Topsoe A/S. Feb 14, 2018 Singapore's Temasek Holdings is reportedly seeking to acquire NextDC, an Australian colocation and cloud provider which recently received Mar 23, 2020 $109 million in a growth round led by the investment entity of the Singapore government, Temasek Holdings, according to a media report.
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Under besöket i Singapore träffade Åkesson politiker och aktörer från sjukvårdssektorn såsom National Health Care Group (NHG), SingHealth, National Ledamot i bl.a.
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テマセク(英語:Temasek。旧名:Temasek Holdings)は、シンガポールの政府が所有する投資会社(ソブリン・ウェルス・ファンド)である。2012年3月の時点で380人の従業員がアジアを中心に1980億SGD運用している 。
Temasek (also spelt Temasik) is an early recorded name of a settlement on the site of modern Singapore.The name appears in early Malay and Javanese literature, and it is also recorded in Yuan and Ming Chinese documents as Danmaxi (Chinese: 單馬錫; pinyin: Dānmǎxī; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tan-má-sek or Chinese: 淡馬錫; pinyin: Dànmǎxī; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tām-má-sek). Temasek Holdings Private Limited is an investment company owned by the Government of Singapore. Incorporated in 1974, Temasek owns and manages a net portfoli
Temasek | 81,113 followers on LinkedIn. Do Well, Do Right, Do Good | Incorporated in 1974, Temasek is an investment company headquartered in Singapore. Supported by 11 offices internationally
Sebelum pembentuk Temasek Holdings pada 1974, saham tersebut dipegang oleh Departemen Keuangan. Departemen Keuangan adalah pemegang saham tunggal dari Temasek Holding sekarang ini. Selain Temasek, pemerintah Singapura juga memiliki lengan investasi lainnya, Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC), yang fungsi utamanya berinvestasi cadangan mata uang asing pemerintah.
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Temasek Holdings has had 71 exits. Temasek Holdings 's most notable exits include Alibaba Group, NIO, and Tokopedia. Temasek Holdings Pte, according to its co-founder. That’s the first time UpGrad -- which had been funded entirely by Screwvala and its founding team since it was established in 2015 -- is Temasek Holdings Limited is a Singaporean holding company, owned by the Government of Singapore.
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Cloud-based AI-powered medical imaging platform Arterys raised $28 million in Series C funding round. At the same time, the company received FDA clearance
Feb 9, 2021 Temasek Holdings CEO Ho Ching is retiring and she will be succeeded by Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara.
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Välj mellan premium Interview With Tan Chong Lee Cio Of Temasek Holdings av högsta kvalitet. Singapore's Temasek Holdings is a private equity firm which seeks to invest in the Temasek's investment themes center on transforming economies; growing Detailed Profile of TEMASEK HOLDINGS (PRIVATE) LTD portfolio of holdings. SEC Filings include 13F quarterly reports, 13D/G events and more.
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Incorporated in 1974, Temasek owns and manages a net portfoli Temasek | 81,113 followers on LinkedIn. Do Well, Do Right, Do Good | Incorporated in 1974, Temasek is an investment company headquartered in Singapore. Supported by 11 offices internationally Sebelum pembentuk Temasek Holdings pada 1974, saham tersebut dipegang oleh Departemen Keuangan. Departemen Keuangan adalah pemegang saham tunggal dari Temasek Holding sekarang ini.
Temasek Holdings 's most notable exits include Alibaba Group, NIO, and Tokopedia.