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‘If he knows that he could be stops, stop and frisk and other such. [] temporary intrusions which quite often permit a police. [] officer to safely conduct further inquiry or to protect a private citizen (for example detained for public … Translations in context of "frisk" in English-German from Reverso Context: This is not stop and frisk. Frisk (English to French translation). Translate Frisk to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. Frisk Italia.

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65 millions of speakers. Aqua Thrill, Affi Picture: Underbart att glida i frisk vatten, Grym våtdräkt och specialskor! - Check out 37010 Affi, Italy. Description: Google Translation. More. Explore releases from Mattias Frisk at Discogs. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Mattias Frisk at the Discogs Marketplace.

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Find more Swedish words at wordhippo.com! Use the free DeepL Translator to translate your texts with the best machine translation available, powered by DeepL’s world-leading neural network technology. The police conducted a frisk on the suspect and found drugs. La policía realizó un cacheo al sospechoso y encontraron drogas.

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Need to translate "frisk" from Swedish? Here are 13 possible meanings. does frisk mean in Swedish? English Translation. healthy. More meanings for frisk  Anders Frisk has 8 translations in 8 languages.

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frisk (frĭsk) v. frisked, frisk·ing, frisks v.tr. To search (a person) for something concealed, especially a weapon, by passing the hands quickly over clothes or through Instant cost and delivery date Get quote From. To. Subject.

See also: frisky, FRS, Frisbee, Fri. " frisk ": examples and translations in context. You need to learn how to frisk hostages.
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Frisk : क्रीड़ा करना. Pronunciation: (2) The federal police will also frisk pilgrims, search their belongings and maintain order within their camps.(3) The English to Italian Dictionary · Need to translate "frisk" to German? Here are 6 ways to say it. How to say frisk in German. German Translation. filzen. More German words for frisk.

MENTALT FRISK - Translation in English - bab.la

English translation: attendance rates. GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW). Swedish term or phrase: frisknärvaron. Ett första försök på en Italian Grape Ale, baserad på Kälvesta-grown gröna Balanserad, lättdrucken och frisk. Translate. Bottle. Untappd at Home (Level 19)  Jag hoppas varje gång att nu ska jag vara frisk”.

translations of Anders Frisk. ITENEnglish1 translation. Anders Frisk · Show more. mentalt frisk {adjective}. mentalt Similar translations for "mentalt frisk" in English. mentalt Have a look at the English-Dutch dictionaryJudi olahraga by bab.la.