large margin - Swedish translation – Linguee


unit contribution margin in Swedish - English-Swedish

ADJ n (Antonym: small-scale)a large-scale map of the county. Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary. See also: at large, by and large, large … It means that the amount of the difference between two or more things is [relatively] large. For example, if during a presidential election votes are being counted and Candidate A has 148 votes and Candidate B has 142, Candidate A is simple winni antonyms of by a wide margin. MOST RELEVANT.

By large margin

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Many translated example sentences containing "by a large margin" – Greek-English dictionary and search engine for Greek translations. It looks like the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners will be made up entirely of democrats for the first time since the mid-1880s. As of 7 p.m., Democrat Tracy Kraft-Tharp was leading the race to be the next commissioner in District 1 while Democrat Andy Kerr was leading in the District 2 race. Kraft-Tharp led incumbent Republican Libby Szabo 52.9% to 42.84%. While Kerr led 56.4% t0 43.5% ESV Large Print Wide Margin Bible (TruTone, Brown/Cordovan, Portfolio Design) by ESV Bibles. 4.8 out of 5 stars 251. Imitation Leather $38.49 $ 38.

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This product brought us a large margin. To win by a narrow margin. I allowed a margin of ten minutes. We have a  It still remains the biggest investment category by a large margin though, constituting 35 % of total agricultural sector investment.

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By large margin

The NKJV Wide-Margin  by a large margin.

2 shows the basic pipeline of our method: the deep neural network is designed to extract feature representations of the input images, and the large adaptive margin metric is used to compute the loss and back-propagate the gradients. password reset från en webbläsare om du vill återställa ditt lösenord

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. See also: Since -a is by a large margin the more frequent ending (accounting for 70-80 % of masculine types as well as tokens), it is usually considered the ' regular ' ending. From the Cambridge English Corpus My argument is that over a very wide section of the resale price maintenance sphere there is … A word to express “by a large margin”, especially in context of a competition 2014-07-17 2 adj A large-scale map or diagram represents a small area of land or a building or machine on a scale that is large enough for small details to be shown. ADJ n (Antonym: small-scale)a large-scale map of the county.

defeat disastrously; cause to flee; "rout out the fighters from their caves"; make a groove in; dig with the snout;  Win by a wide margin is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 5 times. There are related clues (shown below). Referring crossword puzzle answers.
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This product brought us a large margin. To win by a narrow margin. I allowed a margin of ten minutes. We have a  It still remains the biggest investment category by a large margin though, constituting 35 % of total agricultural sector investment. Adjusting for inflation, 2013 had  so that they have a large margin in the arrangement of the pallets. In this variant, do not for #altan #Drivbänk #fönster #gamla #lover #med #Pallet #tak #VID.

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target neighbors than other inputs with different class labels (impostors) — by a large margin. For an input xi, target neighbor xj, and impostor xk, this relation can be expressed as a linear inequality constraint with respect to the squared distance d2 M(;): d2 M(x i;xk) d 2 M(x ;xj) 1: (2) Eq. (2) is enforced only for the local target neighbors. margin definition: 1. the amount by which one thing is different from another: 2. the profit made on a product or…. Learn more.

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