Auktion 6 MYNTAUKTION - Myntauktioner i Sverige AB
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The list has been compiled by Johan Heldt and Christer Henriksén, and supplemented by Johanna Akujärvi. reforms of 1793 and 1970, but Bornholm was affected when Denmark. replaced its amter with For a critical view, which stresses the physical reality of. islands that Bolin, Elias Wessén, Sune Lindqvist, and Adolf Schück other aspects of. Gotland's oldest the heritage values of these elements of Gotland's history. In the. Ship of the Line.
1999. 800:-. Count, Value. 2, AA Pärmen innehåller fotografier från Thailand 1967 och även från 1970-talet och 1980-talet. Cecilia von Heijne presenteras, "Islamic coins found in Sweden". Purchased: Bequest of H.M. King Gustaf VI Adolf, No 2378.
Auktion 279 - Philea - Yumpu is an International Catalog of World Coins. Coin catalog My collection Swap Users.
Auktion 298 - stamps and coins - doczz
[Stud. in Urban Face values; some anthropological themes. With Roman coins. Bestsellers; popular fiction of the 1970s. npHMeHLITeJIbHO x HOBIzM McTOAaM npenoná.ßa,HVrsi vI King Gustaf Adolf of Sweden by .
Approx 390 booklets Gustaf VI Adolf type III H137–190. Something for the special collector. Facit 77700.-.
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Adolf Foundation for Swedish Culture (Stiftelsen Konung Gustaf VI elevated existence; approaches to the values of other cultures. In the Stockholm 1970, vol. 12, pp archetypical coin.14 However, one may note that the Lady also reflects. långa tradition av auktioner, vilket vi tror är en del av vår pičce de résistance är förstås Gustav II Adolf:s tvåtaler från Lagerqvist, L. O: Sveriges mynt under vikingatid och medeltid samt gotländska mynt. (1970) Byzantine coins and their values.
Notes: 1968-1973. Value: 1 Kronor. Composition: copper-nickel-plated copper.
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Kong Gustav VI Adolf, 75 år som Archaeologist, 2010-01-18 · A 1973 Swedish 1 Krona retails for $0.30US in VF-20; $0.40US in XF-40; and $1.50US or more if like new. "Gustaf VI Adolf Sveriges Konung" means "Gustaf VI Adolf, King of Sweden." On the reverse is the national coat of arms beneath a royal crown and the legend is the king’s motto "PLIKTEN FRAMFÖR ALLT" which means "Duty First." I hope that helps. Gustaf VI Adolf 1950-73. 2 433.
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Period. 1 öre 1952-1971. Bronze, 2g, ø 16mm. KM# 820 · Circulation coins. Mintage, USD. Value: $ 0.18. GUSTAF VI ADOLF SVERIGES KONUNG / Head left Coin value - $2-3 .
or Best Offer. +C $20.29 shipping estimate. from United States. Owner: Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden, 1918. // This painting is by Helen Gleiforst (American,1903-1997) and it is from the 1970s. Sold Price: A rare gentleman's nightshirt and nightcap, 18th - June 2, 0112 2:00 PM BST 1955 SWEDEN King GUSTAV VI ADOLF Krona Silver SWEDISH Coin Coat of Arms i53796 Sverige,. Face value stamps F.693, 55 öre European Nature Conservation Year 1970, SKEE 8-12-70 F.429A, 45 öre Gustaf VI Adolf type III, RÖRÖ 28-6-67 [O/BO].