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但top line 和bottom line是两个特殊的财务用语:“简单地说, 在财务上, top line 是公司年度的总收入,即 total revenues, 而bottom line是帐面利润,即总收入除去各种不同类型的开支后的收入;top line 可以显示公司的业务前景和客户的认可程度, 而bottom line是表明公司的赢利和亏损的程度,关系到公司的生存 Bottom-Line. Bottom-Line är företagets nettoresultat/nettovinst. Det visar därmed hur effektivt företaget kan hantera sina kostnader i förhållande till intäkter. Namnet kommer av att det är sista siffran i företagets resultaträkning. Det är därmed bruttoförsäljningen (Top-Line) minus företagets kostnader. 优质解答. [1] topline growth = 是指 " (growth in revenues) An increase in a company's revenue over a given period of time.Topline growth does not necessarily indicate an increase in profit; if expenses at the same or a greater rate,topline growth could mean that profits remain flat or even decrease." [2] bottomline growth = "growth in net profit".公司有增加.

Topline bottomline意思

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[예문 1] The bottom line is I trust our president and his advisors. Bottom line译为“底线”吗? [ 2007-03-05 17:01 ] 我们经常可以在媒体上看到"底线"一词。如某记者推测某市"接收和医治SARS病人的底线是6000人。 Top-line growth is an increase in a firm's revenue or sales. Bottom-line growth is an increase in a firm's profitability defined as revenue minus all costs . The bottom-line tends to be the more important indicator because it represents earnings that may benefit shareholders. The terms 'Bottom Line' and 'Top Line' are part of the finance industry's jargon and used when discussing the financial performance of an enterprise.

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这些钢铁供应商  对bottom line 的理解,是底线的意思,这里也就是收支平衡点,即使用 为公司 利润表的最顶一行和最底一行,故称之为top line和bottom line。 沪江词库精选dropline是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译 、英语短语、dropline的 英英释义. a headline with the top line flush left and succeeding lines indented to the right bottom line (损益表中最末一行) 末行数字.

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Topline bottomline意思

The latter can hurt the company’s bottom line.

Namnet kommer av att det är sista siffran i företagets resultaträkning. Det är därmed bruttoförsäljningen (Top-Line) minus företagets kostnader. 优质解答. [1] topline growth = 是指 " (growth in revenues) An increase in a company's revenue over a given period of time.Topline growth does not necessarily indicate an increase in profit; if expenses at the same or a greater rate,topline growth could mean that profits remain flat or even decrease." [2] bottomline growth = "growth in net profit".公司有增加. Top line_____ _____Bottom LIne MISS 3223-GLOBAL MIINISTRY OLD TESTAMENT – TOP LINE BLESSORS JOSEPH – Abraham’s great-grandson, rich with top-line blessings, could have only bless his people…he blessed Egyptians as well. NAOMI – Ruth was a Moabite and God used a famine to allow a Hebrew blessor to meet a Gentile blessee. It is analogous to “Bottom-lineResults” as a finance term of art.
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常用于在说出一系列观点 The top line and bottom line are two of the most important lines on the income statement for a company. Investors and analysts pay particular attention to them for signs of any changes from quarter top-line是什么意思? top-line怎么读? 新东方在线字典为用户提供单词top-line的释义、top-line的音标和发音、top-line的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容,帮助大家掌握单词top-line。 商务中top line是什么意思? Top line 上线 或上级 有top line,就会有bottom line,后者指的是企业的【净利润】。 优质解答.

These expenses include interest charges paid on … Following are the seven powerful growth strategies to improve bottom line of a business. Method #1: Focus on acquiring only the best customers through your campaigns. Method #2: Stop spending money on acquiring low-value customers.
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[3] Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. [4] For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. [5] Top Line, Bottom Line, and Power Line Traditionally, startup companies have a different focus than more established companies. Because startups need to develop their ability to understand and meet customer needs, new companies are primarily concerned with top line (revenue) growth. 2019-04-25 Differences Between Top Line and Bottom Line Despite their similarities, top line and bottom line are quite different measures and have distinct purposes. The top line just shows how well the company is generating sales and revenue.

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用平均线找黑马。 Don't trap him until he goes over the central line. 等他过了中线再夹击他。 And it's Moore to throw the  2017年9月21日 這四個的中文意思驟眼看都是「收入」,在英文好似有少許分別, Revenue / Sales 是Top line,Income是Bottom line,同義詞是Profit。 2017年4月20日 The rule is to buy or cover short when the prices touch the bottom line and sell or sell short when prices touch the top line. 3. 这些钢铁供应商  对bottom line 的理解,是底线的意思,这里也就是收支平衡点,即使用 为公司 利润表的最顶一行和最底一行,故称之为top line和bottom line。 沪江词库精选dropline是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译 、英语短语、dropline的 英英释义.

2018-08-12 P&L 101: Top Line, Bottom Line, What Does it All Mean? What is P&L? As a business owner or financial manager, the performance of your company and financial health typically relies on 2 important financial statements: Profit and Loss or P&L Statement and Balance Sheet.