Peter Dinklage – Wikipedia
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Rated the #929 best film of 2015. Cast:Kevin James (Paul Blart), Raini Rodriguez (Maya Blart), Eduardo Verástegui (Eduardo Furtillo), Daniella Alonso (Divina Martinez) Synopsis: After six years of keeping our malls safe, Paul Blart has earned a well-deserved vacation. PIXELS (2010) directed by Patrick Jean • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd. Pixels è un film del 2015 di genere Commedia/Azione/Animazione, diretto da Chris Columbus, con Adam Sandler, Michelle Monaghan, Peter Dinklage, Josh Gad, Kevin James, Ashley Benson.
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© 2015 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., LSC Film Corporation and China Film Co., Ltd. Pixels Adam Sandler (Actor, Producer), Kevin James (Actor), Chris Columbus (Director, Producer) What the Pixels movie should have been. Review by Carlos (Ctron3120) ★★★½ A fun little short film where classic video game icons proceed to attack New York City. Last week, we got our first look at the main cast in the upcoming retro video game character invasion film Pixels.
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Pixels: cast, trama e trailer del film con Adam Sandler. Un film del 2015 tratto dal corto di Patrick Jean. Redazione Sorrisi 28 Dicembre 2020 alle 12:10. Met Pixels schippert de regisseur van de eerste twee Harry Potter-films voortdurend tussen op papier interessante concepten die in de praktijk gebracht en zeer matig worden uitgewerkt. Charmant zijn de begin- en eindtitels die in een 8-bitslay-out respectievelijk de oude spellen die hier hun opwachting maken en een samenvatting van de hele film verbeelden. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
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President Will Cooper (Kevin James) has to call on his childhood best friend, ’80s video game champion Sam Brenner (Adam Sandler) to lead a team of old-school arcaders (Peter Dinklage and Josh Gad) to defeat the aliens and save the planet. © 2015 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., LSC Film Corporation and China Film Co., Ltd. Pixels Adam Sandler (Actor, Producer), Kevin James (Actor), Chris Columbus (Director, Producer) What the Pixels movie should have been. Review by Carlos (Ctron3120) ★★★½ A fun little short film where classic video game icons proceed to attack New York City. Last week, we got our first look at the main cast in the upcoming retro video game character invasion film Pixels. That cast consists of Peter Dinklage, Adam Sandler, Josh Gad, and Michelle Monaghan.
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Pixels ist ein Komödie aus dem Jahr 2015 von Chris Columbus mit Adam Sandler, Kevin James und Josh Gad.. In der Komödie Pixels fallen Pixelfiguren aus alten Videospielen über New York her und When aliens intercept video feeds of classic arcade games and misinterpret them as a declaration of war, they attack Earth, using the games as models.
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