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Ebba manages our business activities, developing new opportunities and coordinating the team to reach the company’s goals. She is also a board member of the Female Network Association. Her background is in Business Administration with a focus in International Business Relations and Corporate Sustainability. Ebba Biotech AB is breaking grounds for the new method of optotracing. We sell “engineered” and purpose-built fluorescent tracer molecules – so called optotracers - to research laboratories ebba | 942 followers on LinkedIn. Where gifts of smiles begin.

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Anmäl profilen Aktivitet From new biomaterials to optimisation of the pulping industry - "Forskningsagendans Dag 4.0" organised by Skogsindustrierna was an inspiring … Gillas av Ylva Ebba Biotech. Carl Zeiss AB. Contact registration: phone +46 18 67 15 33 or +46 67 10 03 adam6@akademikonferens.se Contact programme/scientific questions: Per Hammarström perha@ifm.liu.se Ebba Biotech AB is breaking grounds for the new method of optotracing. We sell “engineered” and purpose-built fluorescent tracer molecules – so called optotracers - to research laboratories worldwide.

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Ebba Biotech AB (559016-7093). Se omsättning, bokslut, styrelse, m.m, Ladda ner gratis årsredovisningar. Nu expanderar dotterbolaget Ebba Biotech vilket innebär att den avancerade tekniken Optotracing kan nå än fler forskningslabb världen över. and Linköping and had a great time discussing our product with scientist and prospective customers. Ett foto publicerat av Ebba Biotech (@ebbabiotech) Jul 3, 2. Ebba Biotech AB - Org.nummer: 5590167093. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på -28,7%.

Ebba Biotech AB, MALMÖ Företaget eniro.se

www.limesaudio.com Ebba Biotech AB Nobels väg 16 S-171 65 Solna SWEDEN info@ebbabiotech.com. Newsletter. Sign up for the latest news and offers Ebba Biotech AB Nobels väg 16 S-171 65 Solna SWEDEN info@ebbabiotech.com.

Carbotrace are fluorescent tracer molecules targeting carbohydrate structures. Ebba Biotech AB Nobels väg 16 S-171 65 Solna SWEDEN info@ebbabiotech.com. Newsletter. Sign up for the latest news and offers Get in touch Good customer relations are Ebba Biotech AB offers the patented, innovative Opto-tracing technology. This visualization and analytical sensing platform provides medical doctors and researchers in biomedicine and industry with Ebba Biotech, Solna, Sweden. 137 likes.