Evli Finland Select B - Historik - Fondab - Fondmarknaden


Hufvudstadsbladet - 2021-01-03 - PressReader

Bli kund gratis på 3 min med BankID! Evli Swedish Small Cap Fund is an equity fund that invests mainly in equities and equity related securities of publicly traded small and medium sized Swedish companies. When selecting investments the main focus is on solid, well-managed companies with an attractive fundamental valuation. Evli Finnish Small Cap B + Add to watchlist.

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The aim of the fund is to exceed the total return of the benchmark index over the long term. Placeringstips och råd om aktier, fonder, sparande och privatekonomi Evli Finnish Small Cap 26 Feb 2021 EVLI FUND MANAGEMENT COMPANY LTD, ALEKSANTERINKATU 19 A, P.O. BOX 1081, FI-00101 HELSINKI, FINLAND, WWW.EVLI.COM The fund is an actively managed equity mutual fund investing primarily in the shares of publicly listed Finnish small and mid cap … Evli Suomi Pienyhtiöt in Finnish, Placeringsfon-den Evli Finland Småbolag in Swedish, and Evli Finnish Small Cap Fund in English (hereinafter ‘the Fund’). § 5 The Fund’s investment strategy The Fund is an equity fund that invests mainly in the equities and equity-linked securities of Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises, and in de- Evli Finnish Small Cap B 72.7 -28.7% 0.0% 0.0% 36.3% 55.2% Evli GEM B 725.2 131.3% 17.0% 5.5% 97.0% 99.5% Evli Global B 56.9 -66.2% 0.0% -7.2% 100.0% 99.7% Evli Global X B 57.9 -65.6% 0.0% -7.2% 100.0% 99.7% Evli Japan B 63.4 -31.9% 0.0% -5.9% 95.7% 99.9% Evli Nordic B 90.8 -30.8% 2.0% -0.9% 93.0% 98.1% Evli North America B 101.5 -43.0% 0.0% -5.8% 100.0% 99.7% Evli Sweden Equity Index B 39.7 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% Evli Swedish Small Cap B … Handla fonden Evli Finland Select B hos oss. Vi har över 1200 fonder att välja bland.

Evli Finnish Small Cap B - handla fonden Avanza

Evli Equity Factor USA B. 3,8 %. Varaklasside jaotus. Aasta algusest.

Evli Sverige Småbolag B - handla fonden Avanza

Evli finnish small cap b

Sverige småbolag . Registreringsland. Finland Lagercrantz Group Ab-B Shs. 4,1 %. 28 veeb. 2021 Evli Finnish Small Cap B. 4,5%. Evli GEM B. 4,1%.

Aktiefonder. Kategori. Sverige småbolag . Registreringsland.
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Fondfakta. Fondbolag. Evli Fondbolag Ab. Fondtyp. Aktiefonder. Kategori.

2019-03-18 Finnish Small Cap Fund . Style and Theme Equity Funds . Fund Regulations . The Finnish Financial Supervision Authority approved the Regulations on February18 , 2013.
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Evli Finland Småbolag Evli Pankki Oyj

2021-02-12 09:00:00  OP-Finland Small Cap is an equity fund that invests its asset in Finnish small and mid-size growth companies.

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Rahaston sijoituskohteiden ulkopuolelle rajautuvat pörssin suurimmat yritykset (markkina-arvoltaan yli … Evli Europe A: 603,43M: 0,16: 1,90: 8,72 : Evli Europe B: 603,43M: 0,16: 1,90: 8,72 : Evli Europe IB: 603,43M: 0,21: 2,52: 8,99 : Evli Equity Factor Europe B: 235,66M-0,39: 1,88- Evli Equity Factor Europe IA: 235,66M-0,37: 2,19- Handla fonden Evli Short Corporate Bond B SEK hos oss. Vi har över 1200 fonder att välja bland. Bli kund gratis på 3 min med BankID! Seuraa ja kommentoi arvopaperia Evli Suomi Pienyhtiöt B Sharevillessä. Katso osakekurssi, lue kommentit ja keskustele. Evli Suomi Pienyhtiöt B (EVLI FINNISH SMALL CAP) - … Evli Finnish Small Cap B 16,11 BNP ParibasUS Growth Classic Cap USD 14,02 Taaleri Arvo Rein A 12,57 Evli Finland Select B 11,21 BNP Paribas US Value Multi-Factor Equity Classic EUR Cap 7,57 Evli Short Corporate Bond B 5,88 Evli Equity Factor USA B 5,76 Taaleri Arvo Kruunu A 5,40 Evli GEM B 5,38 Evli Europe B 3,26 SIJOITUSTEN RISKIJAKAUMA % Osakkeet 91,67 Evli Swedish Small Cap 29.05.2008 01.07.2020 Evli Sweden Select (9.1.2019) Fixed income funds Evli Corporate Bond 14.09.1999 01.07.2020 Evli Emerging Markets Credit 10.10.2013 01.07.2020 Evli Ruble Debt (2.6.2014) Evli Euro Government Bond 16.12.1994 01.07.2020 Evli Inflation-Linked Bond (22.2.2012), Carnegie Euro Bond Fund (15.2.2010) Hanki yksityiskohtaiset ja yhteenvetotiedot Evli Finnish Small Cap B -rahaston noteerauksesta.

Evli Finnish Small Cap is an actively managed equity mutual fund investing primarily in the shares of publicly listed Finnish small and mid cap companies. The aim of the fund is to exceed the total return of the benchmark index over the long term.