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MBL Teaser The Reference Line - as invaluable as your own time Time has become precious in our ever more hectic world. Moments of quiet and contemplation are rare assets that need to be cherished. CD DAC mbl C31 Why should you still invest in an expensive CD player? Well, because you have amassed a beloved CD collection over the years – a musical treasure associated with memories, chosen with care. Our CD transport mbl 1621 A is a stranger to such problems. Its highly selective CDM Pro drive-unit can perfectly render even the most nuanced signal. Free from all forms of interference, it works on the inside of the housing which itself resembles a strong box built for all eternity.
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It enchants with a colorful and vivid playback of music. It has exquisite sense of the high ranges, delicate in the bass domain, charming vocals and crisp twangs.
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