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acostumbrado a algo {adj} used to sth. acostumbrar hacer algo: to be used to doing sth. Entiendo. I get it. [coll.] Ya entiendo. I get it.
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(note: ‘be used to; and ‘get used to’ arefollowed by nouns. In this sentence ‘living’ is a gerund – in other words, a noun made from a verb.). So the structures are:. USED TO + BARE INFINITIVE (for example: I used to live in Cardiff.).
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Julie is used to working hard. 'Used to' is used with be and get in all tenses : past, present, future and conditional. Now that I live in 6B used to, be used to, get used to. Find the mistake in each sentence and click on it. Select 'Check' to see if you have corrected the mistake Many translated example sentences containing "get used to" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Böjning av verbet 'to use' - Engelska verb böjda efter alla tempus med bab.la Verbböjningar.
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Translation for 'to acclimatize' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other 1. American English to acclimatize (also: to acclimate, to get used to).
get used to [sth] v expr
Woxikon / Ordbok / Svenska Engelska / G / get used to. SVENSvenska Engelska översättingar för get used to. Söktermen get used to har ett resultat.
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get to do [sth] v expr verbal expression : Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." informal (have opportunity to do or be) Used to refers to something familiar or routine, as in "I'm used to getting up early for work," or to say that something repeatedly happened in the past like "we used to go out more." Use to typically occurs with did; "did you use to work there?" or "it didn't use to be like that," describing something in the past that doesn't happen anymore. One could think that we would eventually get used to them but it is always nice to see the monkeys sitting quietly beside the road watching us pass by unperturbed. ride-the-world.net On pourrait penser qu'on fin it par s' y habituer à force d'en voir régulièrement mais c'est toujours aussi sympa de voir les singes tranquillement assis au bord de la route qui vous regardent passer Oversettelse for 'it used to' i den engelsk-norske ordboken og mange andre norske oversettelser - helt gratis.
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used exempel i en fras. Get used to it. Get used to it uttal Uttal av armsaroundparis (Kvinna från USA). We used to work together. We used to work Get used to it. Versioner: #1#2. You can hate me, talk behind my back.
get under one ' s skin get used to. bli van vid. get warm. bli varm. get = kupata. Den Engelska att Swahili ordlista online.