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View Jan Gustafsson’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Jan has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Jan’s connections and jobs at similar companies. 2021-04-05 GUSTAFSSON, JAN BENGT har organisationsnummer 400326-XXXX.

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JAN GUSTAFSSON (born Jun-25-1979, 41 years old) Germany [what is this?] GM Gustafsson was born in Hamburg and learned chess at age 10. He won the German Youth Championships in 1994 (U15) and 1996 (U17). Gustafsson became an IM in 1999 and a GM in 2003. FIDE - World Chess Federation, Online ratings, individual calculations chess24 co-founder Jan Gustafsson was first introduced to chess on a boat, when sport options were limited. His father had been a world-class sailor in his youth and Jan’s parents decided to take a break from their careers as teachers to spend a few years sailing around the Mediterranean.

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Sökningarna kostar ingenting. I vårt personindex finns för tillfället 125 personer med namnet Jan Gustafsson.

Department of Religious Studies and Theology - Linköpings

Jan gustafsson fide

Født, 1979. FIDE Standard, 2645 (31.05.2019). FIDE Hurtig, 2641 (30.09.2017). FIDE Lyn, 2548 (31.05.2019). NGP Klasse - Langsjakk, M. NGP Klasse - Hurtig  Jan Gustafsson. ajedrecista alemán.

FIDE ID: 4625498. B-Year: 1979. Sex: Male. FIDE title: Grandmaster. Rating. So far, according to the words of Jan Gustafsson (all the contact was going through Naiditsch's comments seem to be aimed at taking advantage of the FIDE. Candidates 2020: A Preview – GMs Gustafsson, Nielsen, Fressinet Grandmasters Peter Heine Nielsen, Laurent Fressinet and Jan Gustafsson, take an in-depth The goal of this course is to introduce everyone to the field of the 2020 FI Apr 22, 2020 the official organizers of professional chess—FIDE—went forward with Top chess players Jan Gustafsson, Peter Svidler, Lawrence Trent,  May 8, 2020 at least doubled,” said Arkady Dvorkovich, the president of FIDE, Jan Gustafsson, the grandmaster who was commentating, signed off by  Chronik // FIDE-Elolisten Deutschland Oktober 2019, GM Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu 2656, GM Jan Gustafsson 2645, GM Matthias Bluebaum 2643.
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Genom sina resor, både i Sverige och resten av världen har … Opening course: An 1. e4 e5 repertoire to last you a lifetime, from a bonafide expert, designed for longevity, reliability and playability. Geschwätzblitz mit Jan Gustafsson | 03.04.2021 Jan labert.

His father had been a world-class sailor in his youth and Jan’s parents decided to take a break from their careers as teachers to spend a few years sailing around the Mediterranean.
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Kontaktuppgifter till Jan Gustafsson, telefonnummer, adress och kontaktuppgifter. 2021-04-13 · If it feels like we’ve been here before, it’s because we have! In March 2020, Magnus Carlsen seconds Jan Gustafsson, Laurent Fressinet and Peter Heine Nielsen released a 2020 Candidates Preview video series featuring in-depth discussion of the chances of each of the eight players as well as analysis of one of their games. Now they’re back, a year later, and the tournament is still only 101-125 av 1963: Hitta rätt Jan Gustafsson i Sverige. Se telefonnummer, adress, karta, grannar, jobb mm. Kontakta personen direkt! Jan Kennet Gustafsson är 58 år och bor i en villa i Rensättra, Saltsjö-Boo.

Jan has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Jan’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Fotograf Jan Gustafsson, Västerås, Sweden. 206 likes. Fotograf sedan 1976.