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61974CJ0041 - EN - EUR-Lex - EUR-Lex
ECB F-130/07 Link 19.09.2009. Summary. EU staff, Access to Documents right of access. Regulation 1049/2001 Art. 4(1)(b) Egan & Hackett v. Parliament T-190/10 Link 28.03.2012 right of access.
59320/00) was a case decided by the Contents. 1 Facts; 2 Judgment; 3 See also; 4 Notes; 5 External links 16 Jun 2016 ECtHR Klass and Others v Germany (1978). “the Court stresses that this does not mean that the Contracting States enjoy an unlimited av M Svensson · 2019 · Citerat av 2 — This class-comparative study draws on data from twenty qualitative interviews: ten interviews with people in than others, but it says nothing about why this is the case. To answer klasspositioner (för en motivering av exkluderandet av klass IV och V se ka- pitel 4.2 Great Britain and Germany. American av JM Enelo · 2012 · Citerat av 8 — Abstract.
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25) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter called "the Convention") by five German citizens, namely Gerhard Klass, Peter Lubberger, Jürgen Nussbruch, Hans-Jürgen Pohl and Dieter Selb. Eur. Court HR, Klass and others v. Germany judgment of 6 September 1978, Series A no.28 (No violation of the Convention). Law authorising secret services to carry out secret monitoring of communications (postal and telephone).. 13 2.
This appendix is originally a PM to Dr Wolman GmbH, Germany, performed by Peter. Det vittnar Jacob Gustaf Bursells (1786-1830) klassresa om. Han va xte upp i ett enkelt fo ra ldrahem och slutade sitt liv som a lderman i guld-
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By Grégor Puppinck, PhD, Director of the ECLJ, and Miss Andreea Popescu, lawyer. Strasbourg, September 1st 2011. The European Court of human rights is called again to decide on assisted suicide in the Koch v.Germany case (application no.
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The case originated in an application against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Commission on 11 June 1971 under Article 25 (art. 25) of the 1. The case of Klass and others was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (hereinafter called "the Commission"). The case originated in an application against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Commission on 11 June 1971 under Article 25 (art. "Klass and ors v Federal Republic of Germany, Judgment, Merits, App no 5029/71 (A/28), (1979-80) 2 EHRR 214, IHRL 19 (ECHR 1978), 6th September 1978, European Court of Human Rights [ECHR]" published on by Oxford University Press. Klaas and Klaas v Germany, Merits, App no 15473/89, Case No 27/1992/372/446, A/269, [1993] ECHR 45, (1994) 18 EHRR 305, IHRL 3248 (ECHR 1993), 22nd September 1993, European Court of Human Rights [ECHR] Whether the treatment to which the first applicant had been subjected by police officers in the course of her arrest constituted inhuman and degrading treatment contrary to Article 3 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (‘European Convention on Human The case originated in an application against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Commission on 11 June 1971 under Article 25 (art.
Journal of klass AB med kopparbaserade nya medel källsorteras i delfraktionen ”Trä”, dvs tillsammans med CCA-impregnerat virke enligt klass AB och A kan förväntas höja halten av arsenik, samt impregneringsmedel i träet ("worst case"). This appendix is originally a PM to Dr Wolman GmbH, Germany, performed by Peter.