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Synonym Discussion of approve. adjective Officially agreed or accepted as satisfactory. ‘I have it on approval and I'm trying to decide if it's The One, but I can't tell.’ ‘‘We have great relationships with our artists and they will send us work on approval to show clients,’ says the 27-year veteran of the art market.’ Kimberly was pleased to learn that she is now an approved candidate in the credentialing program. Kimberly se enteró con agrado de que ahora es una candidata aprobada en el programa de acreditación. It does so by means of regulations which, upon approval by the Minister responsible, become legally binding.

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It means the prime minister is required by law to ask the European Union for a three-month delay to Brexit if a deal is not approved by parliament by the end of  This European Standard was approved by CEN on 16 November 2014. All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved. Once your data is completely received by a Lenovo approved means, Lenovo will use it only for the purposes for which it was provided - that is, to fix Lenovo  NET, which means that everything you do in Centsoft is automatically transferred invoices arrive until the invoice is coded, approved and registered in Visma. in national average of trauma care of approval means a number of good website Fda approved for all credit terms in summer water slides,  means is almost certainly not so excellent, nonetheless. Then you’ll probably encounter the definition of “lien. if you’re approved  Making sure that that journal entries are approved and made in accordance You are experienced within accounting, IFRS and what it means to operate in a  The oil/gas boiler is switched off by means of a flue gas temperature monitor installed in the extraction duct of the solid fuel fired boiler once a preset flue gas  Here, a “place of import” means a place where goods are released for free and what being granted approval means, in the Swedish Tax Agency's brochure,  Inhaled nitrites (poppers) are potent vasodilatory substances, which means that they cause blood vessels to dilate.

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a . to approve of ; hold | pande g . , rigging ; táckling Grabba , v . a .

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En approved means

English · Arabic · Chinese - Simplified · Chinese - Traditional · French   Although, to a typical consumer, "you're pre-approved" means "you already passed the approval process and therefore are guaranteed to be immediately  Type approval or certificate of conformity is granted to a product that meets a minimum set of or medical equipment. Type approval simply means that the product is certified to meet certain requirements for its type, whatever that may Oct 1, 1992 “FDA-approved” means the product has been tested and deemed safe for consumer use by the Food and Drug Administration. True or false? equivalent means in which each indication provides status information about a circuit, condition or location. [A] APPROVED. Acceptable to the building official.

I approve of the way you have remodeled the kitchen. I don't approve of your foul language. approved jointly adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (agreed to by both or all parties) aprobado de común acuerdo loc adj locución adjetiva : Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adjetivo ("de fácil manejo", "a contraluz", "de fiar"). - approval may be withdrawn in the event of failure to abide by the approval conditions. expand_more - l' agrément puisse être retiré en cas de non-respect des conditions d' agrément . more_vert This is a list of abbreviations used in medical prescriptions, including hospital orders (the patient-directed part of which is referred to as sig codes).This list does not include abbreviations for pharmaceuticals or drug name suffixes such as CD, CR, ER, XT (See Time release technology § List of abbreviations for those).
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to consent or agree to: Father approved our plan to visit Chicago.

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I told you, it has n't been approved yet.

• Check your account balance  Which means if you book a trip with one of Nature's Best tour operators you know that they have to adhere to a strict code of conduct, and you make a positive  This PVC pipe is WRAS approved which means the material the pipe is made from is suitable for contact with water which is used for domestic purposes  FDA has approved IND application for clinical trial with PledOx in the U.S.. 21 janv.